Hello Friends!
For my birthday (June 29th) I have some exciting news. I am officially launching a monthly horoscope and I have copied the first one below. Please feel free to forward it out to everyone you know - and if anyone would like to sign up for future horoscopes please direct them to sign up for my newsletter at www.jasminesolstice.com Any feedback you have about this is also welcome! I hope you find it to be helpful!
Also if anyone wants to support this venture and this path I'm on, I've registered at www.ko-fi.com/jasminesolstice where you can buy me a coffee once or monthly.
Honestly, any support is so appreciated from the bottom of my heart. Now that I'm on this path that really feels like it's the path I'm meant to be on, any support - even the littlest thing - means so much.
I also have a talk coming up in Pittsburgh at the Salon on August 21st - I'll send out more information shortly, and I'm considering doing weekly astrology chats. If you would be interested in one over zoom, please let me know!
Sending out so much love and gratitude to all of you.
Love and Light,
June/July Monthly Horoscope
Aries March 21-April 19
For those who have sun sign Aries, for the moment you are likely doing well. Those who have birthdays around April 10-12 may have some difficulty with Chiron transiting your sun sign, bringing with it wounds related to self-love. Chiron works to empower you with self-love and compassion by shining its light on your difficulties. If you are triggered, or feel sad around this time, the Universe is giving you a gift to look at it and heal yourself. Otherwise, for those born in the beginning of the sign, around March 21-24th, Pluto is sending it’s powerful energy to empower you to grow into yourself, while Neptune is conjunct your sun providing you with compassion for others. Both of these planets will shine their light on your sun for a long period of time bringing with them some disillusionment, perhaps a deeper connection to the divine, and a purging of the past that is no longer serving you. Stay away from drugs and alcohol during this time and work on meditation and yoga, maybe also some exercise to get you through the difficult times. Jupiter is sending over positive energy and good luck in the months of June and July for those Aries born in the latter half of March. Don’t worry April Aries children, you too will have the light of Jupiter shine on your sun later in summer. You should definitely see some amazing transformation – if you have a goal right now, the universe says to go for it. Those born in the later days of the sign will see some fun energy coming from the alignment of Mercury, Sun, and Venus, shining brightly sextile your sun this month. These planets will cast some loving energy that can bring feelings of footloose and fancy free. Everyone should pay attention to July 15th and 16th, when the energies of Mars and Uranus will come together on the fixed star Algol. This will bring an energy of combustion and might make you more accident prone. Be careful!
Taurus April 20th-May 20th
Mars moves into Taurus on June 9th and will continue through the sign throughout the months of June and July so you, my lovely Taurus child, will feel the boost of energy from Mars in June. Sometimes Mars brings on extra aggression so if you feel that the world is pushing back during that time, pull in your reins and let yourself relax a bit. It will all happen eventually. In June Pluto goes retrograde which means it crosses back over some points that already received some of its medicine, but if you were born between April 20th- 23rd you’ve been on a bit of a tough ride over the past several months that will likely continue for a little while. Pluto Square sun is a chance to really be the caterpillar in the cocoon. The process isn’t easy but eventually you’ll emerge a butterfly. If you were born May 8th-10th, you’re likely feeling the energy of Saturn which is inspiring you to organize your life and put boundaries in place that are needed to help make you more productive. If you were born May 14-17th, your sun is getting a solid dose of Uranus which is traveling over your sun. Uranus can inspire growth, fame, and excitement but it can also really make you want to break free of anything that feels like it’s holding you back. Pay attention to the ties that bind you and see what you might be able to let go of to move along your karmic journey. Pay special attention on July 15th and 16th when the energies of Mars and Uranus come together with the fixed star Algol. This will be a time of combustion and a higher likelihood of accidents to stay aware and be careful!
Gemini May 21st-June 20th
Oh twins of the chart, how exciting is June and July for you! Not only do you have a beautiful line-up of Mercury, Sun and Venus which brings a lightness to your step, but in addition to that, Jupiter starts moving through this sign which brings feelings of luck! If you were born May 21st through the end of May, then Jupiter will be passing over your sun in June and July! During that time enjoy an abundance of good energy, but watch out about overspending and overeating. Rose colored glasses can be tough on the bank account. Pluto is trine the sun for anyone born from the 21st-25th of the month, which gives energy to empower change in your life. The new moon will take place on the 6th of June at 16 degrees Gemini which means anyone born on that day will have a new moon in their solar return chart for the year signifying lots of change. The change could correlate with the house in which your sun is located, so reach out for a reading if you would like more insight. Maybe even get someone to buy it for you as a birthday present (Wink, wink)! Something important to mention is that if you were born June 9th-11th, you are dealing with Saturn transiting square your sun which can be somewhat difficult and perhaps might make you feel a little depressed. Pay attention to what is making you feel down and go a little deeper – does it trigger something that happened in childhood? Remember these are gifts to help us heal and before you know it, Saturn will move onto the next person who has to deal with their karma. This transit will last several months. Attention should also be noted on July 15th and 16th when Uranus and Mars conjunct the fixed star Algol. While this transit will not directly affect your sun sign, having anything else in relation to this event will affect you. The energies of Uranus and Mars combined with Algol will likely bring some tension and these days will bring a higher likelihood of injury so please be safe!
Cancer June 21st-July 20th
So much fun happening in Cancer in June and July! First of all, Happy Solar Return! Yes, at some point in June and July the Sun will return to where it was when you were born which is also a day we call our birthday! On June 17th Mercury and Venus pair up at 0 degrees Cancer so if you were born on June 17th you will have Mercury and Venus conjunct your Sun in your solar return chart this year, which should cast some loving energy on your year. That 0 degrees Cancer is quite the party spot because a few days later on the Summer Solstice the full moon will take place June 21st.
In July the new moon will take place on July 5th and then a second full moon will take place in your sign on July 21st. For those born on the full and new moons, that energy will last throughout the year for you in your solar return chart and it may likely be a year of change. For those born on July 5th, look for the new things coming into your life in the next year. For those who are born on June 21st and July 21st, the full moon will help you to end the things in the next year that you no longer need on your journey. The house where these events fall play a role.
For those who are born in the beginning of the sign, around June 21-23, you are feeling the energy beginning of Neptune square your sun. This is the beginning of a very long transit lasting through 2026. This transit will karmically teach you to learn to be true to yourself, and to get in touch with what it is that your soul desires. It will be confusing at times, and you will have to deal with some disillusionment, but learn to ground yourself and ask for the opinion on important matters from those you trust. Stay away from drugs and alcohol and instead go inward and meditate. This transit can bring some amazing connections to the spirit world.
Those who are born July 15-19th are working with the energies of Uranus sextile your Sun through the end of the year. This energy could be shocking at times, but it’s out with the old and in with the new! This is a great time to get interested in something new and different that you’ve always wanted to learn about. Astrology, art, spirituality, are all suggestions. What makes you feel excited?! Everyone needs to be aware of the meeting of energies of Uranus and Mars on the fixed star Algol on July 15th and 16th which will bring with it some intense energy, but this event will happen sextile your sun which may bring a sudden does of enlightenment or if the energy is too intense, a bonk on the head so be careful!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention those born at the end of the sign and the intense transit of Pluto you’ve been experiencing over the past 2 years. For those born on the cusp of Leo, around the 22nd of July, congratulations! You are now officially a butterfly. The past 2 years may have brought some difficult times, but the energy of Pluto is passing onto the next group of people and you’ve earned your “tough life experiences” trophy. Only a small last hurrah is coming from Pluto September-November but you’ve gone through the hardest part already and learned the lessons you’ve needed to learn.
Leo July 21-August 20th
Oh lovely Leos - If you are born at the end of July, we need to talk. Pluto is coming up opposite your sun which will be quite a journey, and is incredibly karmic and if you understand that, then you can look at whatever happens from a very different perspective. Mars is also coming up square your sun for those who are born in July which will challenge you and potentially bring up some anger, but luckily Mars tends to move on as quickly as it comes along and the things that made you angry will teach you lessons that you will take into the future. Those born in August will enjoy the energies of Venus and Mercury sextile your sun which will bring loving energy to you. You’ll likely feel nice and want to dress up a bit. It also lends itself to meeting people who you will connect with. Those born August 15-18th are feeling the energy of Uranus squaring your sun which can bring some electric energy and some shocking experiences designed to knock you out of your comfort zone. Uranus wants us to think differently and these experiences provide us with an opportunity to see things in a new way. Special attention should be paid on July 15th and 16th when Uranus and Mars energies meet on the fixed star Algol. All of this energy square your sun will bring on some intensity! Lay low on these days and remain calm. Remember this too shall pass.
For those of you cusp babies born at the end of Leo into Virgo, you are dealing with an interesting yod in the sky from Neptune at the end of Pisces and Pluto at the end of Capricorn. These two planets are deflecting off one another and sending their energy directly at your sun. The way this may manifest will vary based on your personal chart, but it may likely bring some haziness and confusion mixed with some obsessive energy. If possible, try to remain as clear headed as possible and perhaps work with meditation. Try to stay away from drugs for the next year until these planets move on and ask people who you trust for guidance when you feel confused.
Virgo August 23-September 22nd
In the months of June and July those born at the end of August will get a little boost from Mars and Jupiter casting light on your sun. These energies will likely give you the push you need to accomplish any goals and if you are lacking goals, it might make you feel frustrated that you don’t know what to do with all of the energy! Go for a run, garden, or play your favorite sport. It will get those endorphins going and also get out all of that energy! For those born in the September part of the sign, let's talk about what has been going on. Anyone with a birthday from September 4th -13th has gotten a dose of energy from Saturn this month, and soon Saturn will go retrograde so it’s coming back 2 more times. This time may have gotten you down. You may have felt depressed that things weren’t going the way you wanted them to go. You may have felt the need to do something, to go out and change the things that are bothering you. Saturn is the planet of growing up and maturing, of building structures for the future. It points out where you are weak and helps to make you stronger. It’s not an easy transit and Saturn will be coming over those birth dates until March of 2025 when it will move on to its next set of souls in need of structure, maturing, and humbling.
For those born September 15-18 Uranus is trine your sun right now and since it moves so slowly it will be for a bit. During this time you may feel more volts of energy running through you than normal. Your chart would indicate whether this feeling is comfortable to you or not. But Uranus brings innovation and change. It helps to get you unstuck and at times I’ve heard of it helping to make people famous (or infamous). While everyone should pay attention to July 15th and 16th when Uranus and Mars energy pairs up on the fixed star Algol which can be quite aggressive! This energy will be trine your Sun so hopefully it will send you a gift. Be safe!
Finally, those born at the end of the sign – around the 21st-23rd of September, you are working with the energy of Neptune! You may feel a little hazy and confused and sometimes this transit comes with some major disillusionment. Make sure you get a second opinion before signing any contracts.
Libra September 23 - October 22
Hello Librans! If you are a September Libra you have some pretty positive energy coming your way this month. First the transit of Jupiter trine your sun will bring positive vibes and as a result life will feel easier. Then you’ll have the transits of Sun, Mercury and Venus square your sun which, while sometimes brings uncomfortable situations, but you’ll handle them easily. Even those born September 25th-28th who are dealing with a Pluto trine their sun experience will receive a boost of recognition and life changes that stem from positive experiences. The Pluto trine started this year and will continue through the next year, and lots of powerful energy is coming your way. Those born the 17th-20th of October are dealing with chiron opposite their sun this month which might bring up issues in the area of self-worth. Are you being kind to yourself? Take some time and treat yourself to something special this month. You’ve deserved it and don’t forget how amazing you are.
Also a special shout out goes out to the Librans born at the end of the sign around the 21st and 22nd of the month. You went through a Pluto square sun karmic time in your life which has likely changed certain things about the way you see the world. It was a transit that lasted for 2 years. For those born on the 22nd, Pluto will come back one more time later this year, but then it will move on. A once in a lifetime transit is over and you are likely a different person from who you were 2 years ago.
Scorpio October 22-November 21
Hello Scorpio! For those born in the first few days of the sign, mostly October 23rd-28th, you are currently or will soon be dealing with the energy of Pluto square your sun. This is a huge shift that can sometimes (usually) break down your ego and then build it back up. If you have been neglecting yourself or your heart, chances are this transit, which will last around 2 years, might dole out some pretty difficult situations in order to get you back on track. If you have been following your karmic path and listening to your heart, this transit will likely build you up and make you stronger than you were going into it. A lot also depends on your personal chart including which house your sun is located in and which planets are around it, but Pluto square sun brings change, you just have to remember that there is always a happy ending and if it’s not happy today, it’s not the ending.
For those born November 10-12, you are working with Saturn trine your Sun over the next several months. This is a transit that comes about 3 times in a lifetime if you live long enough. To figure out what it’s like, go back to 1995 and try to remember what that year was like for you (if you are old enough). The Saturn trine sun is a time to get all your ducks in a row. The difficult transit of Saturn to Sun are the square and the opposition, so in 2029 when Saturn comes opposite your sun, you’ve prepared. Some of the information on where to focus will come from the house in which Saturn is located, but overall make sure you go to the doctor when needed, pay your bills, keep your car up to date, move your house or office if necessary. Don’t put that stuff off or it will sting a little more in 2029.
For those born November 16-19th, you are working with the energy of Uranus opposite your sun. What do you need to let go of? What is no longer serving you? What have you clung to despite knowing that perhaps it’s not what is best for you? These are the things the Uranus removes from your life when you have this kind of transit. The key to this transit is to understand that whatever is removed, it was time for it to go. If you suffer from it being gone, it could turn into health issues in the longer term. Pay special attention on July 15-16 when Uranus and Mars join energies on the fixed star Algol. All of this energy opposite your sun will likely be intense. Lay low and avoid any extreme sports, injuries may be more likely around this time.
For those born at the end of the sign, around November 21st, you are working with Sun trine Neptune which can bring on wonderful imaginings of what the future can look like. This is a great time to write if you are a writer and get in touch with your creative side. Meditation can bring some surprising moments of insight. This transit will last for several months.
Sagittarius November 22nd- December 21st
For those born in the beginning of the sign, November 21-24, you are working with the energies of Neptune and Pluto in the most positive of ways. These planets bring creative growth and spirituality to your life. Lots of change can happen during this time which will last several months. You may become incredibly compassionate for others and volunteer your time to help those in need. There may be a major change in the way you see the world after these transits pass and to make the transits easier meditation is definitely recommended, as is finding a hobby that you love.
Those born Nov 27-Dec 7th will experience a nice boost from Jupiter. Jupiter makes everything bigger so this will be a time of plenty and good feelings. The danger of this time is the chance of going overboard and eating too much, spending too much money, drinking too much, etc. All of the good things! Have a good time within healthy limits, and work on going inward to find your happiness.
Those born the 10-12 of December are dealing with a square to Saturn over the course of several months. Think about what happened in your life 7 years ago? What began and perhaps isn’t working as well as you hoped? Saturn deals with structures and whatever structures are weak in your life may likely collapse. This can include your body, your home, any unpaid bills may catch up to you. Take care of yourself and allow yourself a little breathing space. Let go of the things that are not working because in 7 years you will once again face off with Saturn and anything that still remains will come back into your life in a way that can feel not so welcome.
Capricorn: December 21st -January 19th
Happy Half Birthday Capricorn! The sun is opposite your sun in June and July making it exactly half a year since your birthday. Your gift is a wonderful transit opposite your sun from Venus and Mercury, and a nice trine from Mars in the months of June and July. These energies will inspire new projects and positive energy, while also making you feel good about yourself and give you the gift of knowing which ideas to share with others and when to back off a bit. Those born January 8-10 are being gifted with a boost to whatever they have been working hard at in the last 5 years, when Saturn was conjunct their sun. You may get accolades for your hard work. Keep it up so that when Saturn squares your sun in 2 years you will have a smooth transit.
For those born the 15-18 of January, Uranus is transiting trine your sun. This will bring a new outlook on life, breaking free of the chains you feel have been holding you back. It’s a transit that lasts for several months in order to get you to let go of the things that are no longer serving your path. Pay special attention to July 15-16 when Mars, Uranus and the fixed star Algol meet up trine your sun. These days will likely have some intense energy and could manifest as a gift from the universe or perhaps also a bump on the head. Be careful and lay low!
Those born at the end of the sign, around January 19-20, are finishing up a Pluto transit over their sun that has lasted over the past 2 years. This energy brings a lot of change, a burning down and rebuilding. The hardest part should be over and you are ready to emerge stronger and a different person from who you were 2 years ago. Congratulations!
Aquarius: January 20th- Feb 17
Hello Aquarius – if you were born in the beginning of the sign – mostly January 20-24th, you are already experiencing, or will experience very soon, some huge changes in your life. Pluto is on your Sun and with it brings renewal. The burning down and rebuilding that comes with life. If you have been following your heart, this transit will be easier. If you have been fighting your heart to do what society tells you to do, and therefore cling to things that are no longer needed for your journey, this transit will be harder. It will last for about 2 years and there will be a you that existed before it, and a new and stronger you that will exist afterward. There is always a happy ending. If it’s not happy now, it’s not the ending. Coupled with this Pluto transit, Neptune is offering its energy to help you turn towards meditation and spirituality to help you along your way. It would be very good to stay away from anything, especially drugs and alcohol, that might cloud your thinking.
Jupiter lends its good luck to those born January 20th-February 3rd. In the months of June and July when it passes trine your sun you will likely feel uplifted, more positive and happy. Be careful not to overspend due to an overly positive outlook! But as the way we shine into the Universe is reflected back to us, overall life should feel much better for this transit. Exact dates of this good feeling will depend on your birthday but you should feel good for about a week!
For those born the 12-15 of February, you’ll feel the energy of Uranus squaring your sun in June and July. This transit could bring some unexpected events that may have you questioning your path. You may feel ready to let go of certain things that are no longer serving you. Sometimes this letting go comes after a shocking event, other times it just feels like it’s been coming for a long time. This transit can also mean injuries or health problems if you try to resist the pressure it creates so let it go. Exercise is recommended especially around July 15th and 16th when the energies of Mars and Uranus come together on the fixed star Algol. These three energies coming together will create tension.
Pisces Feb 18-March 19th
Hello Pisces – overall your sign will have some nice transits in June and July from the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars. As these planets pass trine and sextile your sun, you’ll feel a few days of relief, happy energy, clear headed contentment. It’s a time when you should have energy to take on new projects, and will work well together with others. The dates when this will take place depend on where your birthday falls in the month but it’s good for discussing difficult topics with others or anything which you might need clear-headed and eloquent communication.
For those Pisceans born in the month of February, you’ll also receive the boost of Jupiter square your sun. This transit might give you the gift of positivity and feeling like anything is possible and luck will always be on your side. Allow the world to mirror this back to you but be aware of pushing things too far. Don’t let your pride get in the way of things and watch your ego. Overall, this transit should last about a week with the exact dates depending on where your birthday falls. Enjoy it!
For those born March 8-11, you’ve been working with the energy of Saturn on your sun in June and July and while you’ll get a respite when it goes retrograde in August, it will be back again in February of next year. This transit is asking you to fortify the structures in your life. Structures can include your house, your health (bones especially), your bills, your job. Saturn was square your sun 7 years ago, and opposite your sun about 14 years ago and this is a continuation of that energy. What did you start then that now is the time to let go of? What is working and what is not? What needs to be fixed? There will likely be added responsibility but remember that the Universe doesn’t give us more than we can handle. Lessons that have been learned in the past 7-14 years will be integral in helping you move forward on your karmic path.
And for those born on the cusp of Aries – around the 18th - 20th of February, you have been working with the energies of Neptune on your sun. This energy can bring with it a deep compassion for those who are suffering. It can also connect you to a spiritual part of yourself and it may provide you with visions and boost your creativity. On the negative side, if you let your ego get the better of you during this transit, it could make you feel very exhausted. The weight of the world could feel like it’s coming down on your shoulders. If you can, try to meditate, and stay away from any drugs and alcohol as they will likely have a negative effect on you.