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Several years ago I left corporate America and packed a backpack to leave on my own heroine’s journey to travel the world solo.  I didn’t know how long I would be gone for, nor did I know where I was going.  The only decision made was to let the Universe guide my path.  What unfolded was more amazing than anything I could have ever planned.  The miracles that crossed my path were truly awakening and I found myself walking in humbling gratitude around Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America.  Guided towards spiritual destinations, teachers crossed my path in each place.  Amazing healers and shamans called me to the islands of Maui, Bali, New Zealand and to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where I connected with energies far greater than myself.


 For the first time in my life, I cried in gratitude at the incredible abundance of the Universe, and felt humbled at the feeling of receiving a small portion of it.  I started following the signs: following the sun as I wound through the streets of a town that was foreign to me, stopping to say hello to a squawking bird and looking up the spiritual significance of the message, allowing rainbows to guide my path and verify that I was exactly where I was supposed to be.


During these travels I exchanged astrology readings for lessons in reiki and energy healing, for hypnotherapy sessions, spiritual concerts, yoga classes, and eventually started charging money for my readings.  What resulted was an incredible connection and deeper understanding of the magnificent science of Astrology – a practice that goes back in my family to the 16th century with the Astrologer Johannes Kepler.  Channeling this lineage brought into each reading incredible insights and amazing positive feedback from those who I was able to help.  I felt so good helping people understand their own hero’s journey in this lifetime.


Astrology believes that we are all physical manifestations of the energy of the Universe at the moment we are born in the location where we are born.  Everything that is born will also one day perish and the astrological natal chart can map the journey for us.  For those who are interested, it can be very helpful to understand the reasons why we feel the way we do, when we might escape our own depression, when we might fall in love, and once we do how the energies of the two people affect one another.    


I use astrology to empower those who wish to answer questions about their lives that are unknowable otherwise.  To understand why some things can be difficult, and why other things might be easier than expected.  To awaken to our karmic journey – how are we meant to grow and what are we meant to leave behind.


Please get in contact if any of this speaks to you.  I would love to work with you!

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